We come in 'Piece'
Programmable blocks
Pieces are nothing but exactly what the title above says. These are used to define the flowchart in Workflows, Dashboard Widgets, Reports and Computed fields. These are explained in the Intro page. What can you do with these pieces?
Ask questions and store answers of those questions - these maybe stored as different field types like TEXT, NUMBER, LAT/LONG, SINGLE SELECT, MULTI SELECT, PHONE, EMAIL and more - Workflow context
Validate answers and move the process forward based on answers - Workflow context
Show data already collected in multiple formats - visualisation or raw data - Workflow and Dashboard context
Do everything (well. almost) any typical programming/scripting language allows you to - Loops, Conditionals, Constants, Date operations and more - in the context you are using it - Workflow, Dashboard, Report and Computed Field context
☞ Some examples of pieces with explanation are given below
question - If left blank, the selected Customfield label is shown to the user
stored in - Select Customfield into which you store the answer to this question
Is Required? - condition under which this question becomes mandatory - optional if left blank
Is Disabled? - condition under which this question is disabled
Default - Default value to be shown to the user
Select Image - image to be shown before the question
☞ Note how the each piece fits into other pieces/spaces like a puzzle. The shape, color and design of the pieces are such that admin/configurator can fit them within or after the piece, seamlessly.
Split piece fits with question piece and helps validate the answer of that question - In the example shown, we check length of ANSWER and reject the value if the answer is too short
We make the question mandatory by putting the TRUE hexagonal piece within the Is Required? box