
O member, where art thou?

Member and Group list pages have similar functions so they are shown as one

Add Member, Export, Filter

Export - Click to export the results shown in table below - note that if you have applied any Search or Filter values, it will export the resulting line items ONLY 

Filter - Filter the results shown in table below, based on many parameters

Add Member - Based on permissions allowed, this will be available to logged in User


Type text to Search through the results below

Members List

Here you will see all your Members as per locations assigned to you by the Superuser. Each column is explained below 

Name - Name of the Member

Subtitle - Subtitle of the Member

Type - Member Type

Location - Location of the member

Action - Fire workflow per Member

More (last column): More actions available on each Member

Fire Workflow

Click on the Rocket icon in the Action column to select and start configured workflows for the Member 

More actions

View - View Member details

Share - Share Member details

More actions with enhanced permissions

Edit - View button changes to Edit button if you have required permissions

Archive - You will see this archive button if you have required permissions 

Share - Share Member details