List Operators

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Pick first element

Context: Workflow, Dashboard Widget, Computed field, Report

This piece returns the first element of any list.  It returns a single element value type. For example, if you drop a USERS_LIST type of variable into the piece, it will return reference to a user of USER type. 

In the first example shown, it returns Creator (reference to that user) of the current workflow. In the second example, it gets the first assigned location of the current executor (who is a User in the system) of the workflow.

This piece can also be used to return first character of any Custom field (TEXT, NUMBER, PHONE, EMAIL, DATE types only) or Variable (TEXT, NUMBER, DATE types only). You must be aware of what these entities can contain in order to get the right first character.

Pick first N elements

Context: Workflow, Dashboard Widget, Computed field, Report

This piece returns the first N elements of the list dropped into the piece. It returns a list of the same type as what is dropped into it. For example, if you drop a USERS_LIST type of variable into the piece, it will return reference to a user of USER_LIST type. MEMBERS_LIST will return MEMBERS_LIST and so on.

This piece can also be used to return first N characters of any Custom field (TEXT, NUMBER, PHONE, EMAIL, DATE types only) or Variable (TEXT, NUMBER, DATE types only). You must be aware of what these entities can contain in order to get the right first N characters.

Pick last element

Context: Workflow, Dashboard Widget, Computed field, Report

This piece returns the last element of the list dropped into the piece. It returns a single element value type. For example, if you drop a USERS_LIST type of variable into the piece, it will return reference to a user of USER type. MEMBERS_LIST type list dropped into the piece will return a MEMBER type single element and so on.

This piece can also be used to return last character of any Custom field (TEXT, NUMBER, PHONE, EMAIL, DATE types only) or Variable (TEXT, NUMBER, DATE types only). You must be aware of what these entities can contain in order to get the right last character.

Pick last N elements

Context: Workflow, Dashboard Widget, Computed field, Report

This piece returns the last N elements of the list dropped into the piece. It returns a list of the same type as what is dropped into it. For example, if you drop a USERS_LIST type of variable into the piece, it will return reference to a user of USER_LIST type. MEMBERS_LIST will return MEMBERS_LIST and so on.

This piece can also be used to return last N characters of any Custom field (TEXT, NUMBER, PHONE, EMAIL, DATE types only) or Variable (TEXT, NUMBER, DATE types only). You must be aware of what these entities can contain in order to get the right last N characters.

Pick Nth element

Context: Workflow, Dashboard Widget, Computed field, Report

This piece returns the Nth element of the list dropped into the piece. It returns a single element value type. For example, if you drop a USERS_LIST type of variable into the piece, it will return reference to a user of USER type. MEMBERS_LIST type list dropped into the piece will return a MEMBER type single element and so on.

This piece can also be used to return Nth character of any Custom field (TEXT, NUMBER, PHONE, EMAIL, DATE types only) or Variable (TEXT, NUMBER, DATE types only). You must be aware of what these entities can contain in order to get the right Nth character.

Split by separator

Context: Workflow, Dashboard Widget, Computed field, Report

Split a text with unique separators based on the separator and return a TEXT LIST type value 

Add to list

Context: Workflow, Dashboard Widget, Computed field, Report

This piece allows addition of a single element of one type to a corresponding list of same type elements.

In the example shown, we add Member (MEMBER type variable) to MyMemberList which is a variable of type, MEMBER_LIST. 

This piece can be used with all types which have a corresponding LIST type available.

Remove from list

Context: Workflow, Dashboard Widget, Computed field, Report

This piece removes a single entity from a corresponding list of same type entities.

Add to table

Context: Workflow, Dashboard Widget, Report

In Workflow context, a formatted table can be generated using a combination of Styled Table Cell, Styled Table Row and Styled Table Data variables. Add to Table is used to add Rows to a Table. Add to List piece is used to add Cells to Rows. Rows are nothing but a list of comma separated cell values. 

You can define a Dashboard widget of Formatted Table type and generate a Table with data in the logged user's context.


Context: Workflow, Dashboard Widget, Computed field, Report

Length returns the counts of elements in a TEXT type or LIST type entities.

In the first example shown, it returns the number of members in the MyMembersList MEMBER_LIST type variable

In the second example shown, it returns the number of Users who have been working on this workflow

In the third example, it returns the length of the TEXT value of Workflow > Type string. If you put a DATE or any NON LIST type value into the piece, it simply returns a number of characters in that value.