Questions and Answers

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Question Piece in Workflow

Context: Workflow

Shows one question to the user in one screen

question - If left blank, the selected Customfield label is shown to the user 

stored in - Select Customfield into which you store the answer to this question

Following fields are available in ALL Question and Choose piece types

Is Required? - condition under which this question becomes mandatory - optional if left blank 

Is Disabled? - condition under which this question is disabled for user

Is Hidden? - condition under which this question is hidden from user - Released in 4.12.3.

Default - Default value to be shown to the user

Select Image - image to be shown before the question; Application has an in built library of standard images

Question Piece with Validation in Workflow

Context: Workflow

Shows one question to the user in one screen with validation included

Note how the each piece fits into a other pieces/spaces like a puzzle. 

Split piece fits with question piece and helps validate the answer of that question - here, we check length of ANSWER ( Grouped answer, in case you want to use answer of a previous defined question) and reject the value if the answer is too short

We make the question mandatory by putting the TRUE hexagonal piece within the Is Required? box

Group/Grouped Question/Grouped Choose

Context: Workflow

Group piece is used to design a screen of your workflow. It can contain any combination of Grouped Question and Grouped Choose pieces. These are explained below. In the example shown, we have created 1 page containing 1 section within which there are 2 questions and 1 choice list.

group with heading - Each Group piece represents one screen of the form. Heading of the page in put here

section with heading - One or more questions can be included into separate section on each form screen. Heading of the section can be included

No of columns - Deprecated field

grouped question - As explained in pieces above

Release 4.11.10 onwards, you can now collapse/expand all/some/one branches 


Context: Workflow, Dashboard Widget, Computed field, Report

choose from - Drop a list of available or generated list values; Here, we are asking user to select a Site; The get piece returns a list of locations of Site type; You can create the list by using one of the available functions in the system OR create a list of your own and use the same.

stored in - Selection from the above mentioned list is stored in a corresponding variable type; Here, it stored it in variable of Location type; You can either select one which is already defined OR you will have to add a variable of Location type which you can then select.

question - Label of the choose question; will default to name of variable

  Do not confuse this Choose piece with a Question or Grouped Question which allows the user to select ONE/MULTIPLE options from a SINGLE SELECT or MULTI SELECT list defined in a customfield. Such SELECT field options are known upfront. Choose and Grouped Choose (explained below) are used to create a LIST during execution of the workflow and allows user to choose from such a LIST. For e.g. based on a State of Residence, you want to show list of Pin Codes of that State.

Grouped Choose

Context: Workflow, Dashboard Widget, Computed field, Report

grouped choose from - Drop a list of available or generated list values; Here, we are asking user to select a Site; The get piece returns a list of locations of Site type; You can create the list by using one of the available functions in the system OR create a list of your own and use the same.

stored in - Selection from the above mentioned list is stored in a corresponding variable type; Here, it stored it in variable of Location type; You can either select one which is already defined OR you will have to add a variable of Location type which you can then select.

question - Label of the choose question; will default to name of variable


Context: Workflow

Answer piece can be used in the way shown in the LHS image. This Answer piece maybe used to validate the answer to the Question or Grouped question inside which it is being used 

In the LHS example, we check if Length of Answer is less than or equal to 3 chars and return Error if condition is TRUE.

Grouped Answer

Context: Workflow

Grouped answer piece is used to validate answers collected by a previously defined Grouped question piece. Given on the LHS is an example usage where we check length of Full Name value typed in by User and reject the answer when its length is less or equal to 3 chars.


Context: Workflow

Success can be explicitly marked as shown in the example on the LHS. In a Split, we can use a TRUE condition branch and return Success 


Context: Workflow

Error piece can be used to check if a certain condition is TRUE and not allow the User to move forward in the workflow. It is a type of form field validation. For e.g. Please refer to the Grouped Answer section above for more details.