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Context: Workflow, Dashboard Widget, Computed field, Report

for - dropdown to select a variable which is processed in each loop

in - any entity list - for example, Members list or Workflow list or List of months 

In the example shown, we have put a list of Members of all types accessible to the user; We loop through each member via the TargetMember variable (Member Type) and process it as explained in the image.

For contd.

Context: Workflow, Dashboard Widget, Computed field, Report

for - dropdown to select a variable which is processed in each loop

in - any entity list - for example, Length of TEXT Variable or Customfield 

In the example shown, we loop through each character of TEXT field and show error Bad Value, when one of the listed special characters is seen in the field value. 

Num variable needs to set to 1 and the last character is at the Length + 1 position. The loop auto-increments the Num by 1 after every loop


Context: Dashboard Widget, Computed field, Report

Return piece is used in multiple contexts as explained below


Context: Workflow

This piece ends the currently workflow being run by the user

status dropdown - Use one of the CLOSED statuses defined for the workflow

message - Message to be shown to the user post closure of the workflow

switch to - You can chose to move the user to another pre-defined OPEN workflow after the end of the current workflow; Useful when you have one workflow (parent) calling another (child) workflow. For example, lets say you have Doctors Visit workflow which is parent workflow and Followup workflow which is done 3 months down the line; You can complete Doctors Visit workflow and trigger a Followup workflow whose due date is set for 1 month ahead.


Context: Workflow, Dashboard Widget, Computed field, Report

List of available statuses defined in the Workflow; You can use this to show and compare statuses

Update Status

Context: Workflow

Update status of current workflow or any other workflow stored in a Workflow type variable to one of the defined OPEN statuses

Update Due Date

Context: Workflow

Update due date of the current workflow or any other workflow stored in a Workflow type variable

In the example shown, we move the due date of the current workflow 7 days from today. We use the pieces TODAY (Constant) and Add piece to affect the same


Context: Workflow, Dashboard Widget, Computed field, Report

Split is used to execute pieces based on conditions. Some points to note w.r.t this piece:


Context: Workflow

Show piece shows one entity (Message or Table) per screen. We have shown 4 examples here

Grouped Show

Context: Workflow

Grouped Show piece can show multiple entities on one screen. This must be used within a Group or Section piece.

Switch Workflow

Context: Workflow

Switch to another workflow which was added previously with an Add workflow piece OR stored into a variable of Workflow type. 

In the example shown, we add a workflow of type Skills Survey and then switch to that workflow from the current running workflow.


Context: Workflow

Transfer piece is used to transfer the current workflow to ANY ONE user in selected roles in the hierarchy of the currently logged in user. 

In the example shown:


Context: Workflow

Group piece is a page/screen defining piece. It is a holder for other Grouped pieces namely Grouped question, Grouped show and Grouped choose pieces. It a way to structure your form page/screen with sections (Section), questions (Grouped question, Grouped choose) and information (Grouped show). 

These entities are shown in the order in which they are defined within the group. In the example shown, Question is asked first and then the Grouped show message is shown.

Release 4.11.10 onwards, we allow this piece to be expanded/collapsed individually for better readability.

Group for list

Context: Workflow

for - dropdown to select a variable which is processed in each loop

in - entity list

heading -  Shows the title when this piece is executed

Please refer to example in For piece above


Context: Workflow

You can partition each form page into sections. Say, you want to break up a profile form into Basic, Income, Family etc. Each of these can be split into each Section with named heading and put related questions into each section

Add Member

Context: Workflow

User can add member during the execution of the workflow. 

type - Only members of types accessible to user can be added

location - Member is added to the selected location - here, we have shown a location which is stored in the variable SelectedLocation

store in - Member created by this piece is stored in a variable of Member type - this is to allow us to process the same further, if required. Say, you want to change the Name of the Member or DoB of the Member post creation

Add Group

Context: Workflow

User can add Group during the execution of the workflow. 

type - Only Groups of types accessible to user can be added

location - Group is added to the selected location - here, we have shown a location which is stored in the variable SelectedLocation

store in - Group created by this piece is stored in a variable of Group type - this is to allow us to process the same further, if required. Say, you want to change the Name of the Group or Meeting date of the Group post creation

Add Workflow

Context: Workflow

Add workflow piece allows user to create a workflow which is accessible to them. It also stores the workflow into a variable of Workflow type. We can update status, due date and customfields of such a stored workflow

Add Report

Context: Workflow

Add report piece allows user to add a report and update it in the course of workflow execution. Report type needs to be pre-configured by admin/configurator.


Context: Workflow

Allows user to archive User, Member, Group or Workflow

Set Members in Group

Context: Workflow

You can set members of any group using this piece.

members - drop a Single member or a Members list type of variable

type - select one of the pre-defined member type

group - Group whose members need to be set

Set Location

Context: Workflow

Set location of Member or Group; Location is a location in the Project hierarchy and not a Lat/Long value


Context: Workflow, Dashboard Widget, Computed field, Report

Gives you access to Hierarchy and Roles of all defined Projects 

Static Data

Context: Workflow

Gives you access to Data defined in the Data pages. For example, you can created a structured database of Cities and their PIN/ZIP codes. You can then access the same using Static Data

Get Affiliation

Context: Workflow, Dashboard Widget, Computed field, Report

To be used only in the case of an affiliated (to Member or Group) workflow. It returns the affiliation object on which you can use method pieces to get more information

Restrict Navigation

Context: Workflow

This piece is used to stop the user from going back in the workflow to a previous screen. 

Get Current Location

Context: Workflow

When the workflow executes this piece, it implicitly stores the Lat/Long of the User's device into the Location type variable. 

Please note that User needs to allow the app to view and use the device's location. This permission is asked for, by the Chrome system, if not already given.


Context: Workflow

When the workflow executes this piece, it pauses the workflows if the Condition after if is not TRUE. It shoes the message instead.

In the example shown, Workflow is not allowed to proceed if TODAY's date is not equal to Workflow's Due Date or later.


Context: Workflow

Add the phrase to the Language list of phrases


Context: Workflow, Dashboard Widget, Computed field, Report

In conjunction with a Show or Grouped Show piece, you can format Number and Dates as shown in the example.

format piece returns the formatted value which you can use in other pieces.

Get Entities

Context: Workflow, Dashboard Widget, Computed field, Report

Get entities of different types namely Locations, Users, Members, Groups and Workflows. In the workflow, it executes from the context of user executing the workflow in which this piece is defined.