
Your army of workers

Add User, Performance, Export, Filter

Performance - Click on this icon to see cumulative performance for ALL Users shown in the List below

Export - Click to export the results shown in table below - note that if you have applied any Search or Filter values, it will export the resulting line items ONLY 

Filter - Filter the results shown in table below, based on many parameters

Add User - Based on permissions allowed, logged in User will be able to Add User


Type text to Search through the results below using visible columns

Users List

Here you will see all your Users registered in the system. Each column is explained below 

Name - Name of the User

Subtitle - Subtitle of the User

Project - Project/s to which the User is assigned

Level - Level at which the User is assigned

Location - Locations to which the User is assigned

Role - Roles of the User in each Project

Phone - Phone number of the User

More (last column): More actions available on each Member

More Actions

Performance details - Click on this icon to find what the Selected User has done in last 7, 30 and 90 days; Next image below shows how Details window shows up for user, Education Worker 

Edit - Edit User account

Archive - Archive the user

Share - Share some details of the user

Performance details

You can find what the User has been upto in the last 7, 30 and 90 day duration.

Workflows - Times during the say when User worked on All/selected Workflows

Performance Details Contd.

Push events - Every Sync done is shown with cumulative numbers of Members, Groups and Workflows pushed (with changes) in that sync.

 Events - It also shows number of times User has Logged in, Filtered and Searched in the application

How Flowcharts are setup is explained in the next section